Universal Lithium ion Charger

EA (1)



  • Supplied with EU & UK Plugs which means the chargers can be used anywhere in the EU without the need for any additional adaptor making it perfect for travelling
  • Easy-to-read LCD display shows the charge status while charging and also tests the battery charge level before connecting to the power supply
  • Practically all Lithium ion digital camera/camcorder batteries and AA/AAA Ni-MH and Ni-Cd batteries can be charged
  • Can be used to charge Smartphones Tablets MP3 players an many more








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  • Supplied with EU & UK Plugs which means the chargers can be used anywhere in the EU without the need for any additional adaptor making it perfect for travelling
  • Easy-to-read LCD display shows the charge status while charging and also tests the battery charge level before connecting to the power supply
  • Practically all Lithium ion digital camera/camcorder batteries and AA/AAA Ni-MH and Ni-Cd batteries can be charged
  • Can be used to charge Smartphones Tablets MP3 players an many more
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